Friday, January 29, 2010

The Philosophy of Citizens for Excellence in Education. Why the ANTIs hate public schools and public school teachers.

The 1992-1994 take over of our VUSD school board was led by a people who were either members of or trained by a group called Citizens for Excellence in Education. CEE is a religious inspire group that favors the complete destruction of public schools. They want to replace all of our traditional FACT BASED public schools with religious schools based on their particular Christian philosophy which I have dubbed "little god" Christianity. I have deep philosophical, political and religious differences with this group.

When I was healthier back in the summer of 1992, I was invited to one of their training programs to show their kind of Christians how to successfully run for and win public office particularly school board elections. The training was held in a church in San Diego. I decided not to attend but heard a bit about it afterwords. I herd enough to know that I did not agree with them or their methods. I especially did not agree with their use of God and the term Christian as a political weapon to get elected.

Below are some quotes from the CEE president's message in 2007. The entire "message" can be found here:

According to Citizens for Excellence inn Education:

When public schools are privatized, our students will be receiving a quality academic and Christian moral education that will be unparalleled in U.S. history.

THE CHRISTIAN PARENTS—of these Christian church children to remove their children from the atheist, immoral, faith-destroying public government schools.
CEE parents are now doing that. Christian schools (church schools, independent Christian schools, independent private schools, moral and patriotic classical schools, homeschools) are all having their greatest growth in history, by accommodating all these children that our Christian parents are transferring out of our unconscionable, brainwashing public schools.

The exodus is now reaching rather massive numbers, as I have recently reported. We now have 6.75 million that have transferred into Christian education. It has never been more evident, beloved, that we can now do this. Public schools are being closed across the country. Some of the top ten largest school districts are reported to be near bankruptcy. Loss of students at six to ten thousand dollars a year for each student quickly adds up. No students; no money—because all funding is based upon average daily attendance (ADA).
When public schools are privatized, our students will be receiving a quality academic and Christian moral education that will be unparalleled in U.S. history.

Now, notice the ideas the founder of atheistic evolution—Charles Darwin—taught to public school children in science courses: “It’s no different than a plant, you know.” Sigmund Freud, the immoral homosexual sexologist said, “I didn’t have any guilt feelings.” Theologian, the Rev. Thomas said, “The world would be a lot better off it there were fewer babies in it.” Jean-Paul Sartre, the existentialist philosopher planted his ideas of the “no God” theories. They all hold Christianity in contempt. Another girl said: “It was not a question of morality . . . Or we were killing a (live) fetus, or any of this mythology.” All are ideas taught in public schools and colleges.

Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard promoted the following idiotic idea: “It doesn’t matter what you believe so long as you’re sincere” - a total destruction of the idea that the Bible, and the Bible alone, is man’s moral authority. A Christian child in a Christian school would be taught what the Bible’s Ten Commandments say: “Thou shalt not kill,” and these Tem Commandments of God, alone, are man’s basic moral standard.

Below are some more quotes from their strategy page called Rescue 2010 found here:

America must not just get vouchers and tax breaks for parents in private schools -- those are good and necessary steps. We must go back to what worked best for America. The only way to do this is to privatize all public education. Secularists, atheists and homosexuals could have their own schools, but they could not force tax- payers to subsidize their schools. Our system would be thoroughly reformed and improved. Double taxation of Christians would cease! The present injustice must stop.

Christian children who most often are too influenced by peer pressure to serve as "missionaries in the snake pit."

We do not blame teachers or administrators -- though God knows they could stop the spiritual rape of innocent children, if they saw clearly what is happening.

Getting the Bible curriculum in all 30,000 high schools (now in 300); and also our "CHRISTIAN/AMERICAN CULTURE" course in all high schools are priorities.

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