Thursday, May 14, 2009

Some legitimate teacher groups oppose Prop 1A

I finally saw the commercial with the teachers opposed to Prop 1A. yes indeed there are two legitimate teacher organizations that oppose Prop 1A. The California branch of the American Federation of Teachers--the second largest K-12 teacher association in California opposes Prop 1A and the California Faculty Association which represents college teachers in the CSU system also opposes Prop 1A.

CTA continues to support all the propositions including Prop 1A and Prop 1F.

I understand that the AFT opposes 1A because it limits the amount of money schools can be funded below what they are guaranteed by Prop 98. AFT believes that schools will get a better deal in court by suing the state to enforce Prop 98 then Prop 1A provides. CTA says maybe that is true but court cases take a VERY long time (years at least), are not a sure thing, and by the way,what do schools do in the meantime for funds? CTA thinks a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Who knows who is right. You decide.

I personally voted NO only on Prop 1F which penalizes working class legislators by denying them pay when wealthy, minority party, millionaires have a temper tantrum and hold up balancing the state budget.

CTA urges a yes vote on 1F. I believe they publicly urge a yes vote as part of a compromise to get school funding propositions on the ballet.

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