Sunday, May 17, 2009

KFI AM 640 John and Ken, a Bully and a Coward, Daily Rant about 1A through 1F

Props 1A through 1E will likely fail on Tuesday chiefly thanks to the lack of free speech on the KFI AM 640 radio hosts, John and Ken. They have spent at least four hours a day for months bad mouthing 1A through 1F in particular and public employees particularly school teachers in general.

No opposing viewpoints are allowed without being shouted down while those who attempt such a feat are presenting their view and then mocked after the caller is arbitrarily clicked off the air by John.

John and Ken could allow a pro 1A through 1E spokesman to control the microphone for just one hour a week of their twenty plus hours of rants per week. But they will not. Bullies and cowards always fear the well informed and those who can defend themselves. Being in a fair fight or even one that has any fairness at all terrifies bullies and cowards like John and Ken.

It certainly is not free speech or equal access when John yells down a well informed caller who supports 1A through 1E.

Polls show that John and Ken have been all too successful in their campaign of distortion and misinformation. Governor Schwarzenegger, himself, has publicly wondered allow if these two now run our state. Of course Schwarzenegger loved it when John and Ken spent the better part of six months trashing Gray Davis and making it possible for Schwarzenegger to be elected governor after the recall of Davis. John and Ken were just as unfair and un-American then as they are now.

Why should two unelected radio hosts have the uncontested power to dominate our elections?

After the election on Tuesday, John and Ken will continue to make millions spewing the distortions their advertisers desire of them. On the other hand public school teachers, those who do not get laid off, will take salary cuts next year of between $1500 and $4000. Those are the amounts that seven days of pay (plus the one lost already) will take from lowest to highest salaried teachers in VUSD. Teachers in other districts will loose slightly more as most teachers make more in salary then our VUSD teachers who are among the lowest paid in San Diego County.

Seven days of pay is exactly what Governor Schwarzenegger says he will cut when 1A through 1F fail.

Teachers will soldier on. They will teach. They will take children of poverty who have no access to printed material and often do not have anyone in their household who speaks English and turn those children into educated productive English speaking American citizens.They will do their jobs whether appreciated or not, whether fairly compensated or not, whether they are unfairly vilified or not. Why? Because public school teachers are good people. Teaching attracts the caring, the compassionate, and the unselfish. Thank goodness for now there are enough of those fine people today to fill our classrooms. I hope there will be next year as well.

You can read about the "anti-tax" rally they engineered here:
Here is the title and a few key sentences and paragraphs from the article:

CORONA: Thousands attend anti-tax rally
Radio hosts call for defeat of ballot propositions

CORONA ---- Bombastic radio talk show hosts "John and Ken" lit the fuse.

And thousands of Southern California residents provided the "boom," turning the normally laid-back setting of Tom's Farms, a pastoral roadside attraction/farmers market on the outskirts of Corona, into a raucous staging ground for an anti-tax rally on Saturday afternoon.

The rally, a companion piece to the anti-tax KFI AM 640 hosts' live broadcast, featured hundreds of colorful signs, "Don't Tread on Me" flags and life-size effigies of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ripped to pieces by a industrial shredder.
At one point during the rally, the crowd, cheered on by the radio show hosts, chanted in unison: "Liars, thieves and whores! Liars, thieves and whores! Liars, thieves and whores!"
The focus of the crowd's ire was the state's politicians ---- both sides of the aisle ---- big business, big oil, state worker's unions, teacher's unions and, in somewhat of a stretch, the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team.
"We're going to beat the propositions and we're going to beat the Lakers!" shouted the pair, whose full names are John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou.

Danielle Marrujo, a Temecula resident, attended the rally with her 14-year-old son Devin.

Taped to Marrujo's chest was a picture of Gov. Schwarzenegger with a red bar crossed through his face.

"He lied to us," Marrujo said, explaining why she singled out Schwarzenegger for criticism. "He's raising our taxes."

In the last few months, Marrujo said her life in Temecula ---- she's lived in the city for six years ---- has started to unravel.

"I'm losing everything, my home ... my husband has been laid off. I realize (the governor) can't control everything. It's not all his fault. It's everybody's fault, all the political parties," she said. "If not for my parents, me and my family would be homeless."
Debbie Adams said the issue is personal for her because she is an English teacher who is trying to help put her daughter through college. Just recently, her daughter's state grant money was cut by 15 percent.

"Where am I going to get that 15 percent?" she asked.


One wonders how much more Debbie Adams salary and her daughter's state grant will be cut when 1A through 1F fail on Tuesday. Adams demonstrated the power of unelected demagogues to convince the gullible to act against their own and our state's best interest.

Here are some selected comments following the article. I especially like the first one by googy for his creative spelling of "colleges." Perhaps he could have used the service on one. All that are highlighted in red are by our ANTI friends. The one in blue is not. Note the ANTI pitiful attempt at "humor" in the second post by Dummocrat.

googy May 17, 2009 7:00AM PST
One thing I agree with the Republicans is to get rid of the public school system and social grants to collages.

Dummocrat May 17, 2009 9:37AM PST
Hee, haw. Janeane Garafolo is RIGHT! You tea baggers are just a bunch of red neck racists. What all of you selfish right-wing homophobes need to do is just SHUT UP and pay your taxes...all of them. This is what we call SPREADING THE WEALTH. You bigots at Tom's Farms should just leave Arnold Schwarzennegger alone! He is related to that magnificent liberal lion, Ted Kennedy, and the Kennedy family doesn't need any more pain right now. If you really want to know how to vote correctly this Tuesday, vote YES, YES, YES, YES, and YES on Props 1A through 1E. Vote NO on 1F...we shouldn't be creating hardships for our hard working Democrat leaders in Sacramento. Don't you know that they work hard for their paychecks too?!?! Come on up your hearts by opening up your wallets. Vote YES on 1A - 1E and let's all save the teacher unions and public employee unions from paycuts and layoffs. After all, government is the ONLY THING that works well in Kalifornia. Heh, heh.Hee, haw!

Will Adam May 17, 2009 11:12AM PST
First thing is get rid of all of the spend happy DEMOCRATS in the state legislature. You can't blame the GOP for this, since spending bills only require a simple majority and the DEMOCRATS haven't seen a spending increase or new program they didn't like.
Next would make sure no state aid goes to any illegal. And for the state to work with the Federal government to turn over for deportation any illegal(no what country they come from) they come across from emergency room visits, kids at school and have the police verfiy the citizenship from all traffic stops.

Next is the needed is to get rid of the entitlements from any program, and take away the auto pilot of all programs and make everything a general fund. The next thing to do is get rid of Prop 98 for education and the teachers union's. With very few exceptions, the teachers are not taking a hit in pay. Instead of taking a 10-15% pay cut so most teachers who are being laid off won't. But again they and the prision guard union is about nothing but greed. I would cut the prision guard's pay by aleast 25%.

One of the easiest approaches would be after the above isto freeze the budget at 2005 level and leave it there and only increase it when revenue increase. It's not that hard, but the democrats claim it is. If they hadn't been so spend happy we wouldn't be in this mess.
I believe that would be a great start.

Clarity May 17, 2009 12:21PM PST
The village idiots have found leaders in John and Ken - two rabid rabble-rousing radio personalities saturating the airwaves with head-on-astick anger, hate and intolerance. They hate taxes, politicians, illegal immigrants for entertainment and ratings. It's easy to assemble a mob but it doesn't solve problems. The problems will get worse when the propositions fail and public services are cut drastically.

Hound Dog May 17, 2009 3:00PM PST
The T bag rallies are legal,loud, and in someways, pointless. There is a lot of anger in our Country,some of it well founded, some of it politically motivated. The signs being carried were anti tax, anti schwaenegger anti Democrat,anti Obama,pretty much anti everything government.. The crowed was whipped up by John and Ken who pushed all the buttons they knew would rouse the group. Tea Parties are fine, but I think folks need to help come up with real answers to real problems. No new taxes sounds good but it is only a slogan. No one wants to pay taxes. Personally I'm interested in the manner in which our taxes are being spent.I was asking the same questions during the Bush Administration but not a Tea bagger was evident at that time. No easy answers on that question either. Complainig is easy and therapeutic,solutions are hard and not always popular. I'm hoping that people who are motivated to carry signs and protest will also, through their elected officials, find "real" answers. The original Tea bag prostest in Boston harbor was aginst tax without reprsentation. This one seems to be against taxation with representation.

1 comment:

Alessandro Machi said...

I would not blame John and Ken.

I like what Hound dog said..."No new taxes sounds good but it is only a slogan. No one wants to pay taxes. Personally I'm interested in the manner in which our taxes are being spent.I was asking the same questions during the Bush Administration but not a Tea bagger was evident at that time. No easy answers on that question either. Complainig is easy and therapeutic,solutions are hard and not always popular. I'm hoping that people who are motivated to carry signs and protest will also, through their elected officials, find "real" answers." end of hound dog quote.


I believe the credit card companies have helped suck the local economies dry by ratcheting up credit card interest rates.

As the local economies dry up, the governments panic because they cannot pay their teachers, law enforcement, fire fighters, health care, and correctional officers, so they try and raise taxes.

Please remember, if the world's wealth has decreased by half in the past 2 years, but you get to keep your job and only lose 5-10% of your income, you are actually still WAY ahead of the game as compared to your fellow private industry workers.

Many private industry workers are only working part time, have taken pay cuts, or have lost their jobs entirely.

Focus on the credit card industry and their malicious solutions to current debt problems and you may find that local economies will improve, and then so will the money coming into government, and your pay cut may be shortlived.