Thursday, May 14, 2009

$1500 to $3700 per teacher pay cut next year if Props 1A-1E fail

The governor announced today his "May revise" budget. These are announced every year to take into consideration new information as it comes up. Schwarzenegger announced two budgets. One for if Prop 1A through 1E* pass and one if they don't.

Right now 1A through 1E are failing at the polls. (1F may pass). The Republicans are running a massive campaign to defeat them. TODAY in the last three hours, I have had TWO different scripted robo calls at my home urging a NO vote on these props--each from the Republican party--one featured an Orange County supervisor reading the script.

KFI AM 640 radio station hosts John and Ken are daily using their four hours of afternoon drive time broadcast to defeat these propositions. No time is given to competing views. There is NO FAIRNESS DOCTRINE at KFI. I recommend boycotting John and Ken's advertisers. KFI claims to have one million listeners.

If they are not passed next Tuesday The governor May Revise budget says that he will cut 7.5 days out of the school year which will reduce our salaries by the percentage of those days out of our school year.


Here are the two key sentences from the above article:

If voters reject the ballot measures next week, as polls indicate they are inclined to do, education will be cut by a total of $5.4 billion and the school year will be shortened by 7.5 days. Schwarzenegger said that will lead to teacher layoffs and larger class sizes.

VUSD teachers have already given up one day to maintain class size reduction in the K-3 classrooms for next year. We will give up 8.5 days of pay next year if 1A through 1F fail.

For VUSD teachers will lose between $1563 to $3750 from their yearly salary. Is it worth a few thousand dollars to you to help get these measures passed? Come volunteer to make phone calls. Call CTA San Marcos office today at 760 744-4108.

Here are the figures for salary reductions in the Vista Unified School District if Props 1A through 1E* fail:

Average VUSD teacher salary reduction: 8.5 divided by 185= 0.0459x $63,443 = $2912

Lowest paid teacher salary reduction: 8.5 divided by 185 =0.0459 x 34,043 = $1563

Highest paid teacher salary reduction: 8.5 divided by 185=0.0459 x 81,703 = $3750

Average, high, and low salaries are based on the state wide teacher salary information given by the Sacramento Bee at the following URL:

Vista Unified Salary average, high and low are at this specific URL on the Sac Bee website:

*Editor's Note: I recommend a NO on Prop 1F. This proposition gives the state no additional money. It's only purpose is to penalize middle class income state senators and assembly persons if the minority party millionaires decide to have another temper tantrum in Sacramento next year and refuse to pass a balanced budget.

The goal of the minority party in Sacramento in placing Prop 1F on the ballet is to force the lower wealth senators and assembly persons of the majority party to give in to their draconian demands or face personal financial ruin.

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