Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jaka, Chunka, and Herrera--Terrific Trio

Carol Herrera has for years been the only school board member who regularly visits school sites and talks to teachers and principals one to one. Now that Elizabeth Jaka and Angela Chunka have joined her on the board, they have also joined her in visiting schools. It is so nice to have board members who care about what is happening at the school sites.

The Terrific Trio also have been regular visitors to the district office. In fact the Gibson group have noticed that these women are doing their jobs and are concerned. Our ANTI friends are now complaining on the NCTimes blogs that the our three Terrifics are showing up and checking on our friends at the DO. Of course, if all is going well at the DO, having the Terrific come by should make it all better.

Our TTs are doing such a singular outstanding job that the ANTI crowd is getting more and more uncomfortable. Our ANTI friends are still reeling from the drubbing the ANTI school board candidates got in the last election. They are terrified that the Terrific Trio will become so well loved that their ANTI made up fictions will have no affect and all three will easily be re-elected in their next election bids. Even if one or more of our Terrific Trio do not chose to run again, their exemplary jobs stand in stark contrast to the ANTI board members legacy of missed meetings, wasted taxpayer money and pointless harangues against the good working folk of our district. The ANTIs are afraid they will never again be able to elect one of their own in the shadow of the legacy of Gibson and Guffanti.

Their desperation shows up in the bully boy tactics of Gibson during board meetings, in phony issues and charges, and in the name calling of the ANTI supporters of Gibson on the NCTimes blogs. The examples of the women in showing what good trustees should be doing have been devastating in contrast to Gibson. Now Gibson supporters have taken up the last ditch tactics of name calling. They now regularly refer to the Terrific Trio as "the three stooges" because they have nothing left, but name calling. A particularly angry and vicious ANTI blogger who calls herself, "Roxy" wrote on March 6 about the Terrifics, "One of them is a flying nun? One had a daycare center and the other a coach."

Our ANTI friends always resort to name calling when the facts do not support their position. Since facts seldom support them, name calling is what we get from them most of the time.

I am so glad that our greater VUSD community of voters has finally decided that they have had enough of the ANTI venom. We now have four school board members who put the needs of the VUSD students ahead of the personal aggrandizement and political agendas.

By the way Steve Lilly also comes to the performance at school sites and shows interest in VUSD with no ulterior motive. He has never tried to use his post as a stepping stone to higher office as Gibson as done time and time again. Lilly may not show up at as many sites as the Terrifics, but neither does he have some ANTI political agenda axe to grind. He is a good man with the best interests of our students at the heart of every decision he makes. I am not sure that Jim Gibson even knows the names of all the schools in VUSD, let alone where they are.

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