Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gibson no Gentleman, Rude attack on ex-Nun

Jim Gibson has out done himself in outrageous and inappropriate board behavior with his un-called for attacks on one of the sweetest, finest people in our district--Carol Herrera. Carol is a person who has done nothing with her life but help others.

Audience members boo-ed his boorish behavior, but that did not stop Gibson. He demanded that Carol resign. Read: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2009/03/13/news/coastal/vista/zd13791934d4f8c1688257578006327a2.txt

Why? Pure politics. He manufactured an imaginary violation of the Brown Act. He was corrected. The NCTimes article regarding his phony, trumped up charge said there was NO violation. Further it stated that even if there had been a violation the topic was discussed at the next board meeting in public which would have remedied any such imaginary violation. Here is the quote from the NCTimes:

Peter Scheer, executive director of the California First Amendment Coalition, said the get-together wouldn't violate the state's open meeting law, known as the Ralph M. Brown Act, unless the three trustees discussed district matters.And even if they did violate the act, he said, they may have remedied the situation by discussing the class-size issue publicly at Thursday's meeting."The only remedies that the Brown Act provides for are curing your violation by going back and ... doing it legally," he said. "If they did get together and then had a legal meeting .... there's not much that can happen."

Or read the entire article here:

The Brown Act is to make sure all major decisions by public government is dealt with in public session. Gibson made up allegation concerned the three hard working women on the board talking among themselves and deciding not to lay off doznes of teachers and increase K-3 class size. How scary! Oh no, those 'evil women' were conspiring not to lay off good teachers and to crowd our youngest and most vulnerable children. What kind of sick parnoid mind would turn that decision into a "conspiracy"?

Still Gibson thought he could make something out of it to rile up his "base" of misguided ANTIs. Our ANTI friends do not seem to care about actual facts nor do they let facts get in the way of what they want to believe. All that is important is what the FEEL should be facts--the kind that re-enforce their prejudices. Gibson may feel his ridiculous grandstanding helps him with the ANTIs but it sure make him look bad to any one with good manners or logical thinking abilities.

While Carol works hard to help others, what does Jim to with his own sad life? He bullies people, praises the firing of good principals, lauds a 30 minute automated phone "test" as the way to evaluate teachers, writes NCTimes forum advocating firing ten percent of VUSD employees every year, pushes for "privatizing" our school buses and firing all the drivers, firing of 28 principals and other administrators, delays schools being built, wastes taxpayer money by the tens of millions and never apologizes.
Read: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/05/20/perspective/15_87_545_19_07.txt
and: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/02/25/news/coastal/20_40_012_24_07.txt
and: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/07/11/news/inland/vista/18_11_517_10_07.txt
and: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/06/16/news/inland/vista/23_24_556_15_07.txt

In fact Gibson never seems to feels a moment of contrition for his embarrassing behaviors. He has only one goal to self-aggrandize. he never misses a chance to grandstand to the newspaper about some "fake" issue that will get his name in the news.

He loves running for higher office. He has tried to get on Oceanside City Council twice and once run for a California State Assembly office. He uses his VUSD Board position not to help our students but as a platform to try to launch a grander political career.

A few years back after being rejected for School Board president by the other members of the board over and over, he decided the others weren't being fair to him. (December 2006) He started a very public crying campaign to the North County Times saying it wasn't fair. Everyone else got to be school board president why couldn't he? Several of this misguided supporters wrote letters to the editor of the North County Times saying the same thing. (December 2006)Finally the other board members got tired of his tears and let him be VUSD School Board president for a while.

Gibson apparently was so ashamed of the way he got to be VUSD board president that he somehow got his friends at the North County Times to "scrub" the archives of all mention of his sorry whining that finally got him the position he wanted. The only reference missed by his editor friends is the following letter to the editor:

Back to school

Let's send Mr. Gibson, VUSD trustee, back to school. In an article titled “VUSD trustees fail to pick president,” Gibson stated, “It has nothing to do with ability ... It has everything to do with the political viewpoints that you guys hold that are different from us.”

The term “guys” is certainly inappropriate slang in this context, and “ours” should replace “us” at the end of the sentence. What a shame that one of our district's educational leaders isn't a better role model for our students!

retired English teacher

I remember the article. As I recall only four members were in attendance. The vote was split two to two. I think Hubbard was the missing trustee. At the next meeting, Jim Gibson was elected school board president because the missing trustee felt sorry for him. You can see the article title in the letter to the editor above, but there it is no longer in the NCTimes archives. Check for yourself. There is nothing about either December 2006 meeting in the NCTimes archives or the two letters to the editor in December by Gibson supporters whining that he should be elected President of the VUSD Board.

After Gibson got the title he so desperately wanted, what did Gibson do? Did he thank them? Did he try to do his very best job to prove he was mature enough to handle the job? No, his response was to USE the title to make a run at the Oceanside City Council again. Of course he lost again. Most people in the North County have figured out who and what he is.

BLOG EDITOR NOTE: I spent hours searching for the articles about Gibson becoming board president. There are NO LONGER any in the NCTIMES archives. Currently the NCTimes archives contains not a single article indicating even one December 2006 VUSD school board meeting. In addition Guffanti was allowed to publish an inaccurate history of the delays in constructing VUSD third high school, the dual magnet high school. The Guffanti article has also been scrubbed. The only evidence in the archives is a letter to the editor rebutting it. (below) We are left with the following questions:
(1) How did the archives get scrubbed?
(2) Whose would have scubbed them?
(3) Why were they scrubbed?
(4) Did Gibson and Guffanti request the scrubbing?

Here is the reference to the Guffanti editorial scrubbed from the archives:

Guffanti is wrong

Stephen Guffanti certainly doesn't let the facts get in the way of his arguments ("VUSD pursuing monumental high school," Dec. 5). Lincoln Middle School will close for renovations in January. When it reopens, it is needed for middle schoolers.

The state will not provide matching funds to build a high school there, and the existing facilities are inadequate to accommodate 2,000 high schoolers on top of the middle schoolers.

The new magnet high schools being built will effectively relieve the overcrowding at Vista and RBV high schools, something Guffanti's proposed boutique schools can't do.

It is particularly galling to see Guffanti's demand to act faster. This from the man who, after accepting campaign contributions from the property owners, blocked the acquisition of a previous site and has done everything in his power to block the schools from being built, including providing support to the NIMBY lawsuit. He should be ashamed.

Leigh Rayner

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