Sunday, November 2, 2008


What can I do? With two days left there is still a lot left to do to help.

(1) WEAR YOUR JAKA, LILLY, CHUNKA SHIRTS when in public, shopping, getting gas, going to the theater, anywhere and everywhere the public can see you. Those who have been wearing them have gotten tremendous amounts of POSITIVE feedback. There are a lot of people in VUSD who want to be done with the negative and nasty excesses of Stephen Guffanti and his ANTI friends. Also wearing the shirts gives potential voters an opening to ask you about the election. We have gotten many votes for PRO-public education candidates JAKA, LILLY, and CHUNKA just by people remarking on our shirts and asking us questions.

(2) SIGN PARTY—last one meet at VTA office 4pm Sunday 1717 East Vista Way to put up the last of the campaign signs. We will be replacing the hundreds stolen by our ANTI friends.

(3) COMMUNITY RALLY—Monday from 4pm to 5:30pm (earlier time due to time change) near Chili’s at Vista Village Way. We will ROCK the town. It is the last and biggest rally. Our rallies have changed the way this district will vote. They are the talk of the town. No campaign of any kind for any office has been able to duplicate our success. Do not be left out. Show up Monday.

Lilly, Jaka and Chunka Local Celebrities!

Someone came up to Steve Lilly and ask him how it felt to be a celebrity. He knew Steve must be a celebrity because there were so many signs with his name all around our district! Good job sign committee—Randy Weins, et. al (Luke? Goologaly?) I may not know all your names but you all are doing a great job.

One Stolen Sign, Twenty Replace It!

One local teacher had his PRO-Public Education candidate sign stolen from his front yard last week. He was so incensed that one of our ANTI friends would come onto his property and take his sign that he went down to VTA office and got twenty more. Then he went up and down his street for a quarter mile in each direction and put up all twenty signs. Of course our ANTI friends came back and took a few more and knocked down most of the others. But now our local teacher hero checks “his” signs every day and puts up the knocked down signs and replaces the stolen ones.

Moral of the story for our ANTI’s friends: steal one sign and get twenty more in its place!


The ANTI-public education, anti-union, anti-middle class editors at the NCTimes that have done so much to try to elect ANTI-education candidates to our VUSD school board have been so inundated by protests that they have not run their every two year ‘hit piece’ editorial or news story attacking our candidates or campaign in the days before the election.

Today even the in the editorial by the delusional Jim Trageser, who sees ‘conspiracies”**
everywhere, there were no lies about us! His editorial today (Sunday) decried campaign sign stealing. He did not mention that Jim Gibson, our VUSD board chairman who is also running for Oceanside city council, was caught stealing campaign signs for other Oceanside city council candidates. But then no one really expects an editorial from the extremist editors of the NCTimes to be completely fair.

The big news is he did not lie about us! Had we not called and called and called demanding fairness from the editors at the NCTimes, I am sure that Trageser would have put in a paragraph of lies accusing the good and honest PRO-public education campaign of stealing the signs of Trageser’s ANTI allies. For the last 18 years, the editors have always run a lying hit piece about us just before the election, but not this time. Neither was there a front page story of falsehoods about us! You folks have really put fear into the hearts of the partisan editors of the NCTimes. Good job!

I am betting that Trageser, partisan nut case that he is, probably had a paragraph in the draft of today’s editorial ripping us, but his publisher, worried about you folks, decided to take it out. Of course I am speculating, but this I know, for the first time ever the editorial staff of the NCTimes has not done anything blatant to swing the election to their ANTI friends.

The only reason NCTimes did not run a hit piece has to be because you folks held the NCTimes accountable this election. We know their tricks and we called them on those tricks. They trembled. They held back. A victory for the good guys! A victory for public education in VUSD! Pat yourselves on the back.

Where are our thirty letters?

The NCTimes still has not printed our thirty campaign letters in favor of PRO public education candidates. Where are they? Will they publish them all at once in tomorrow’s paper? Or will they never publish them? The editors at the NCTimes are still trying to get Guffanti back in office. His extremism and nastiness warms their hearts. They love the hate he spews at unions, teachers, and parents. It helps them sell papers. So they have held back our letters. One more day until the election, will we see the letters ever? Who knows? Keep calling if your letter has not been published. Demand that it be in the paper BEFORE the election.
Jim Trageser, Delusional Editorial Writer for NCTimes

**For a view into the paranoid and delusional thinking of Trageser read about his fantasy that there was a nationwide secret conspiracy against Christians running for office. You must read the comment section after his article to see how fully delusional he is. See his editorial of lies about unions particularly the VTA and read his paranoid follow up comments after the article here:
In the body of the above "editorial", he makes a series of demonstrably false allegations about our good Vista Teachers including the out right lie that we disrupted board meetings (There are recordings of all board meetings proving this allegation to be false) and that our disruptions caused the national media including the New York Times to cover our local school board meetings. Yes it is nuts, but he wrote it in his "editorial". According to Jim Trageser, the New York Times, LATimes, SF Chronicle, CNN, FOX NEWS all came to our VUSD district to cover noisy teachers at a board meeting. I told you he was delusional. See my reply to his series of nutty paranoid rantings that the NCTimes published as an editorial! in my blog of September 4, 2008 entitled "Jim Trageser editorial, a reply."

How weird and nuts does he have to be to believe the nonsense he wrote? We all know that 95% plus of all candidates for all offices in the US for all of US history have been Christians. A few Jews and an agnostic or two get elected somewhere and Trageser thinks there is a conspiracy against Christians. Does he demand 100% of all candidates elected be Christian? How did he get and hold a job of importance at the NCTimes? What does that say about the hiring and retention policies at the NCTimes?

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