Sunday, November 2, 2008

Desperate Guffanti, Dirty Tricks for our Children

Poor Guffanti, he just cannot figure out appropriate behavior for dealing with others. He reminds me of Sheldon on the Big Bang show on TV. Normal human interactions are just so difficult for him. This time the poor dufus used the trick or treat baskets of our children as waste receptacles for his campaign literature.

Yes, that is correct. Our happy lovely children came to the door of Guffanti and a few others in his ANTI education gang and were given an ugly trick in their basket. He and his tiny band of extremists put a half sheet of Guffanti Garbage printed on orange paper in the baskets of the poor unsuspecting, innocent children of our district that showed up at their doors.

The paper contained Guffanti's usual rants about evil unions and teachers, that goes like this, 'if you hate teachers and unions the way I hate teachers and unions, then you should vote for me and my fellow ANTI education co-conspirators.' How sad, and how pathetic is poor Guffanti!

I cannot help but wonder how many parents were angered by his inappropriate use of their children. Imagine ruining a bit of our children's fun at Halloween by putting political garbage in their Halloween baskets! Well that is Guffanti for you.

He well earns his nick name: "NO RULES FOR ME, GUFFANTI"

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