Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sign Committee Heroes, GRAINGER AND ROBINSON


I just talked to Randy Weins. contrary to what I have posted on this site, Randy is NOT the chairman of the Sign Committee. He is working on the Community Rallies.

Randy says the credit should go to CHRIS GRAINGER and MARK ROBINSON for the plethora of Pro-public education signs.

KUDOS TO CHRIS, MARK and the other HEROES on the sign committee. You folks have kept our pro-public education candidates names in the public eye!!

You have turned JAKA, LILLY and CHUNKA into household names in the VUSD.


For those of you who have never been on the sign committee, you need to know that it is a tough dangerous and daily job.


It is tough because the ground is hard. Wooden stakes do not go in easily. Pre-holes need to be made with a piece of iron bar (re-bar is good). Only then can one attempt to get a wooden stake into the ground. It still does not always go in. After seven months with no rain, the ground can be absolutely as hard as a rock. Sign committee members pray for rain to soften the soil.


It also costs sleep. Good sign viewing (posting) locations are grabbed up a short time after the City of Vista sign ordinance allows campaign signs to be first posted. Sign Committee members have to show up early in the morning between 2-4am on the first day to get those locations. Then the locations have to be defended. Our signs are the most frequent target of stealing of any campaign signs. Committee members have to constantly monitor are prime locations and be ready to replace stolen signs.


You can identify a vehicle of a sign committee member by the pile of signs inside. A sign committee member goes nowhere without extra signs ready to post. He/she also always has a hammer. Downed signs must be put back up. So many of our signs have been knocked over by wind or our ANTI friends.


If you see a vehicle in your school's parking lot with a hammer on the seat next to the driver and signs pile up in the back seat, leave a thank you note on the windshield. You are thanking a Public Education HERO.


It is also dangerous job. Sign committee members are stopped by the side of the road with cars whizzing by at 50 to 60 miles and hour. One sign member out posting signs came within an inch or two of grave bodily injury when a car speeded up and swerved toward him. He was barely missed as he jumped back. That was four years ago. He has still not told his wife. Hope she does not read this blog.


Did I mentioned it is daily job lasting the better part of two months. Every day the sign committee member patrols his string of signs looking for missing or down signs. If more than a day or two goes by without defending our signs, our ANTI friends can steal or destroy hundreds of them. So all sign committee members learn the routine of the 'daily patrol.'


Now you know a few more reasons why the actions of CHRIS GRAINGER and MARK ROBINSON and the others on the signs committee make them all PUBLIC SCHOOL HEROES.

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