Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Billionaire Bullies, Sacramento Republican fear of King Norquist caused the lay offs in VUSD

Today another of our poorly informed friends calling himself Carter posted an ANTI union comment after an article about lay offs in Vista Unified School District.

Carter's anti union comment is just a repeat of the lies and disinformation about unions and state and federal budget difficulties that currently permeates our society. The hired gun CON men on AM radio and FOX News are annually paid millions of dollars to disseminate these kind of false narratives linking unions benefits and pensions to budget deficits.

Now that there is no Fairness Doctrine OUR public airwaves are swamped by the lies of the greedy billionaire bullies crowd. These bullies never are satisfied. Theirs fortunes never big enough. The salaries of their employees (who actually create the wealth) are never small enough for these bullies. The bullies have bought and paid for radio station networks that only allow "opinion makers" on air who push the billionaire bullys' anti middle class, anti worker pay and benefit lies. One of them owns the FOXnotNews network and a string of newspapers including the Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch).

With the massive propaganda advantage their money buys the billionaire bullies, it is no wonder that their message of distortion has had such a big effect on those weak of mind and easily duped like poor Carter who posted the following after the article today:

Carter said on: May 4, 2011, 5:28 am
It causes pause to wonder if the teachers brought it all on themselves with their individual sopping up from the union troughs, unsightly and unreasonable benefits - along with all the other unions. Those being laid off do not have to be doing the sopping at the troughs.

In these bad times if we ain't got the money, we just ain't got the money - that is after due, and fair consideration. You cannot get blood out of a turnip.

Union leaders and bargaining officials must be mandated to hold union benefits with the bounds of reasonability. When benefits move to the extreme low or high something has to give.

I am a retired, up to date, associate member of a union.

How charitable of Carter the CONfused, he got his and now wants to deny young people a fair shake in life.

Local school districts budget problems have nothing to do with unions--nothing. This problem is almost entirely the fault of Sacramento Republicans who took an oath of loyalty to an UNELECTED Washington DC lobbyist, Grover Norquist.

Norquist demanded that the voters of California NOT be given a chance to decide for themselves if they wanted massive DOOMSDAY BUDGET cuts or extending existing taxes for five more years. Norquist demanded no vote, because he, an out of state usurper of our California democracy, wanted DOOMSDAY BUDGET cuts imposed on the citizens of our state.

Every single Sacramento Republican chose their oath of loyalty to 'King' Norquist over the good of the state and our students. Not one Sacramento Republican agreed to let the voters decide.

The Sacramento Republicans had this ability because of the recently passed Prop 26 that required a two thirds majority of both houses before, we the people can be given the right to vote on tax extensions. Sacramento Republicans were afraid to give us our RIGHT to vote and the chance to save our schools because we might have voted to save our schools.

The current breed of Sacramento Republican has no independent thought. They move in a herd terrified of 'King' Grover Norquist and the massive amount of billionaire bully money he controls. 'King' Norquist decrees, Sacramento Republicans say yes sir!

If we had had a chance to vote, we might have decided to temporarily extend our taxes instead of imposing the DOOMSDAY BUDGET on our neighbors who are poor, ill, elderly or school children. Sacramento Republicans under orders from their 'king' made sure the DOOMSDAY BUDGET would be imposed on all Californians.

It would have taken only FOUR Sacramento Republicans to give we the people the right to vote.

Here are the names and phone numbers of the four North County Sacramento Republicans who betrayed you and every other North County taxpayer, voter, parent and child:

California Assembly
Martin Garrick (R) (760)929-7998
Nathan Fletcher (R) (858) 689-6290
Diane Harkey (R) (760) 757-8084

California Senate
Mark Wyland (R) (760) 931-2455

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