Thursday, May 12, 2011

Best Education Web site in the country--billionaire bullies, Arne Duncan, and the agenda to destroy public education

I found a terrific site on the web put together by Seattle teachers in response to the attacks on them, their profession and the FACT based public schools in Seattle launched by billionaire bully Bill Gates, Eli Broad, et al.

A well written and researched article about the attempts of non educators (billionaire bullies) to impose their version of education on America's crown jewel, its FACT based public education system and Arne Duncan's (Barak Obama's appointed education secretary)complicity in the same can be read here:

Here is a bit of the article:

Union-busting has traditionally been considered the blood sport of right-wing corporatists. But Democrats, including the current president, have joined the fray.

There is no greater example of bipartisan union-busting and attacks on middle and working class citizens right now than what’s being done in the name of “education reform.”

President Barack Obama - Why should teachers vote for him in 2012?

All the celebrity names of corporate ed reform are collaborating in this pile-on: Arne Duncan, Michael Bloomberg, Michelle Rhee, Jeb Bush, Bill Gates and his foundation’s “ed reform” grantees. The Eli Broad-trained school superintendents are indoctrinated with this cut-throat corporation uber alles mindset. New Mayor Rahm Emanuel is squawking the same anti-labor dogma in Chicago (Emanuel backs crackdown on teachers, Chicago Sun-Times). And one of the key targets is teachers.

And yet, faithful Democrat activists blindly seem to think their own party has nothing to do with these efforts. I recently received this email from Bob Fertik, at

Dear S.,
Are you outraged by the Republican class war against unions, teachers, and the entire middle class?

Yes, Bob, but I’m even more outraged by the Democrats’ complicity in it, including President Obama.

Though this may seem a Republican agenda, Democrats have done their bit to support these assaults on workers and middle class rights. For example, before new Republican Governor Snyder in Michigan recently signed into law a bill that gives the state treasurer the right to hand over unprecedented control of cities and school districts to “emergency financial managers,” the previous Democratic Governor, Jennifer Granholm, appointed a corporate Broad Foundation slash-and-privatizer Bob Bobb to financially manage and pillage Detroit’s Public Schools.

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