Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Richard Kirk does no research when writing for North County Times

Richard Kirk fact challenged opinion piece referred to in the last blog post shows that he does no research before writing. Here are a couple of examples where he is just wrong, "Vista's teachers union was priming its members for a "work to the rule" withdrawal of services." "A settlement was reached that avoided the "go slow" action." Read more of Kirk's drivel here:

There was no 'go slow' or work slow down in VUSD by teachers last Spring or ever. During the work action, teachers worked even faster than usual to finish what usually tacks nine or ten hours in the the seven and half hours they were paid for. This work action lasted three days. Whoopee. Why does the fact that employees stopped working when their paid hours ended merit most of Kirk's column space?--especially when the 'work action' lasted for only three days and had NOTHING TO DO WITH TEACHER PAY?

That's right the work action had NOTHING to do with pay. Nothing. Teachers were merely seeking to make the increase in class sizes for K-12 potentially TEMPORARY rather than permanent.

Teachers thought that 38 students in a class made learning a bit more problematic. What horrible thing did then did teachers do? For THREE DAYS they watched the clock and stopped working when their paid day was done. This is in contrast to the hours of unpaid free time virtually every one of them gives every other day of the year as a gift to their students, their student's parents and the community.

Below is proof that Kirk's description is wrong. Read the North County Times article about the incident. The work action was not a work slow down or go slow action. The article was written by Stacy Brandt, North County Times reporter last spring.

What is wrong with Richard Kirk that he could not even read his own newspaper's account of the job action before he wrote his fact challenged opinion piece?

VISTA: Teachers plan to stop after-hours work

"Teachers in the Vista Unified School District plan to stop doing any extra work outside of contract hours..."

There was no slow down. Teachers just stopped working when their paid day was done. What other opinion columnist in what other paper would find workers going home when their paid day was done to be in the least bit controversial?

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