Monday, August 2, 2010

The Scapegoating of Teachers by the CON machine

In this country there has been a one sided fusillade of abuse directed at public servants, especially teachers, by the hired gun con men on AM radio and FOXnotNews.

Teachers are seen as an easy target to use to focus hate on because they do not fight back.

Teachers are also seen as enemies by certain religious cults because they are usually supporters of rational thought, fact based curriculum. Our little god cult folks who falsely claim to follow Christ virulently hate correct information and facts about science, history and health. They want to write and teach their own made up facts instead.

The problem is that if they succeed in moving all our public school curriculum to fantasy based curriculum, our country and world are in danger. Fantasies kill. Fantasy worldviews kill in massive fashion.

Here are two fantasies that regularly kill. Its safer to drive not wearing seat belts because you could get trapped. Vaccinations for children are more dangerous than the diseases they protect against. Each of these fantasies kill thousands of Americans each year. Fantasy world views are self limiting when they only involve individuals but if they become the view of a nation, like the denial of human caused global warming, massive death will inevitably follow.

School teachers tend to be the largest group of delegates at Democratic Conventions--as many as one in eight delegates at the last one. Daring to have different more compassionate views than the selfish mean spirited views of those that currently control the local, state and national Republican Party also makes teachers a target of the propaganda mills put together by billionaires.

These billionaire boys' propaganda think tanks exist for the sole purpose of making billionaires more wealthy. One key way is to destroy the American middle class created by unions, union wages and union benefits. The less billionaires pay to workers, the more for gold faucets in their multiple mansions.

Here is a partial list of propaganda mills funded anonymously and with tax exempt money by the tiny group of wealthy elites that now run our country--American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Hudson Institute, Manhattan Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute.

These and other propaganda mills run Madison Avenue style focus groups to find phrases that can be used to create false impressions about those like school teachers who want this country to work for the good of all not just multi billionaires. These deceptive talking points are given to "opinion makers" for hire on the AM radio and sent to FOXnotNews.

Hired guns "opinion makers' are paid extremely well to convince the uniformed that these talking points are good for America. Many of those crafted talking points have been aimed at school teachers. The average American hears ten thousand times each of these anti tenure, anti seniority, anti pension, anti union lies for every one allowed on the air to counter them. It is no wonder that Americans are so misinformed about the value of and integrity of public school teachers unions in general and the importance of fact based science when deciding issues of the grave magnitude of global warming.

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