Sunday, July 18, 2010

Local Republican leader says unions are: "are like drug addicts and our tax dollars are their drug of choice."

Did you know that you are a drug addict? Yes you are, and your drug of choice is taxes. That is according to T.J. Zane, a prominent local political consultant for the rich, and elected president and CEO of the San Diego Chapter of the Lincoln Club, a fund raising arm of the California Republican Party.

Well actually he only said that the good teachers you elect to leadership positions in the Vista Teacher's Association and other similar folks elected by firefighters and police officers are drug addicts. I guess that makes the rest of us only 'potential' drug addicts who can become addicted at any time we volunteer to run for a leadership position.

Here is T.J. Zane's quote, "...the public labor union bosses...are like drug addicts and our tax dollars are their drug of choice." See it in full and disgusting context here.

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