Friday, June 11, 2010

Why we fight. What our angry friends say about us and others.

In the last post we saw a letter to the editor by a fine example of VUSD students, Kelsey Munson.

In this post I have taken the comments of a prominent ANTI, who calls himself unlaxx. Over the years he has left many comments on the North County Times about teaching being a part time job and teachers being over paid.

Below is his comment after an article in the North County Times about Escondido Union Elementary Teachers hoping to not have their five furlough days made a PERMANENT part of their contract. They would like the cuts in pay to be temporary say in a Memorandum of Understanding. Sound familiar?

Unlaxx did not quite understand the article but I think you will understand his sentiments.

Here is Unlaxx in his own words:

unlaxx said on: June 11, 2010, 5:22 am
Working five fewer days is not a salary reduction.

A salary is a RATE of pay per TIME worked.

It's like not driving your car for five days, then claiming you got better gas mileage because you didn't use any gas those days. Or claiming that you got worse gas mileage because in those five days your car didn't take you anywhere at all.

Truth is, you got the same gas mileage.

Teacher's salaries are dishonestly portrayed from the start by expressing them as annual pay - as if they worked 8 hour days, 40 hour weeks, 52 day years with nominal vacation and holiday time off.

Teacher's should come to grips with the fact that they have a part-time job. If they want more income, work during their time off instead of complaining.

He and others like him in our district are the enemies of FACT based public education. They are the ones who opposed every school bond for twenty years. The two school board members they elected, Dr. Stephen Guffanti and Jim Gibson managed to delay the start of construction on our third high school from fall of 2002 to spring of 2008 at an increase in projected cost of almost fifty million dollars. The warped world view, of our angry friends, sees FACT based public schools as an 'evil' that must be destroyed.

As you may recall Dr. Stephen Guffanti was a charter member in a nationwide group with the stated goal of the end of all public education in the United States. Guffanti holds anti FACT based views on science and science education and he speaks at conferences that prominently feature science denial.

As you read below what unlaxx wrote about folks who are different than he is, remember he feels the same intolerance for you and the profession you have chosen. Unlaxx and his ilk are why we fight. His hate filled intolerant variation of Christianity that I call the "little god cult" allows no room for anyone different from themselves or better educated than they are.

Unlaxx also posted the following in today's North County Times. Unlaxx is responding to a comment in the letters to the editor section of the North County Times regarding tolerance.

unlaxx said on: June 11, 2010, 6:20 pm

Your racial analogy doesn't work. Blacks had to overcome discrimination on several fronts, and interracial marriage was just one of them. But they didn't have to redefine the term to do so. And the black folks don't appreciate you using their civil rights struggle to make your point. Blacks are even more against same sex marriage than whites.

Homosexuals don't make me feel hatred. Nauseous maybe. Amusement. But not hate.

I'm not against same-sex marriage because of the homosexual angle. If two heterosexual people of the same sex want to marry each other because perhaps, one can transfer their employer's health benefits to the other, or they can get a tax break, or some other logical reason, I'm still against it.

The homosexual lobby WANTS to paint my opposition as homophobic. Too bad for them because I'm not feeling the guilt they're trying to sell. My opposition to same-sex marriage has nothing to do with being anti-homosexual. Marriage is a time-honored institution of husband and wife. Not wife and wife. Not husband and husband. Not "Party 1" and "Party 2".

You play checkers on a checkerboard because it has two different alternating colors.

A light switch is called a switch because it has two different positions: ON and OFF.

The marriage of Steve and Howard next door damages my marriage because now I'm forced to explain what used to be a self-defining term. In your world, you can't buy a light "switch" and know it will turn the lights ON and OFF because you've let some special interest group change the meaning of the word "switch".

Below is a response from PRO-public education blogger, Emerald. She has on many occasions launched a spirited defense of FACT based public education.

Emerald said on: June 11, 2010, 6:36 pm
Response to Unlaxx at 6:20 p.m.:
No Unlaxx, “Steve and Howard next door” does NOTHING to your marriage.

Your problem with defining words is YOUR PROBLEM.
Marriage has always been defined and redefined throughout history, from the time - such as, you know, the Biblical definitions - when most of the world practiced polygamy to women being defined as chattel property with no rights, through all the changes that have always occurred AND ARE STILL OCCURRING.

Your problem with defining words is purely your own and reflects your own rigid inflexibility.
It is not pushed on you by those less rigid who choose to live their lives as who they really are, and don’t need those who HATE FREEDOM AND LIBERTY to stand in their way.

And if you don’t think that gays/lesbians are discriminated in many, may other ways - as blacks were (and are) - in employment, in education, in social ostracism, then you are more naïve than I ever though

AND her second thoughts on the subject:

Emerald said on: June 11, 2010, 6:54 pm
Further response to Unlaxx at 6:20 p.m.:
Your desperation to resort to “definitions” to justify bigotry actually reinforces Caro’s point.

Definitions of terms are the hallmarks in which bigotry is harbored
Accepting blacks into the definition of “human being” forced some uncomfortable changes in terms for some racial bigots.

Of course, Germans found it convenient to define “religion” in such a way that excluded Jews and then used that to justify treating those defined out of the loop as not deserving to remain in the human race.

“Definitions” are the last resort for those who must rely on words to change what cannot be changed in the reality of objective truth.

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