Saturday, April 17, 2010

Prop O money lost due to "graft" or actions of our local ANTI crowd? You decide.

Our angry friends continue to slander, write false narratives and hurl baseless charges.

Today in the North County Times blogs Vista Watchdog 1 accused all the administrators who left VUSD after Joyce Bales was hired of being involved in a massive graft scheme. Yes, I know preposterous. But that is our ANTI public education friends for you. Preposterous over the top and angry always angry but about nothing about stuff they have made up in their own fevered imaginations. Sad really.

My wife and I knew quite a few of the 37 administrators who left after Bales took over. This was the greatest loss of administrators in VUSD history. We talked to a number of them. Those who were retired were the most candid but even those who found jobs in nearby districts also weren't very shy about telling their reason for leaving. To a person they said it was Dr. Joyce Bales and her management style. They could not have been happier getting out of the district.

Accusing all of those fine administrators of stealing public money is so crazy and out of bounds only our ANTI friends could create such an obvious lie and pretend it was true. Vista Watchdog 1 is one of our more notorious and most fact challenged ANTI posters. VWdog is the one to make this charge in today's North County Times blog.

VWdog at 10:00pm slandered with a broad brush when he wrote: "I should also note here that the 38? administrators who left VUSD all were part of the graft that took place at VUSD during the building program of Prop O."
Find his full comments here:
Can anyone besides VWdog say that makes any sense at all? Every administrator that left was part of a great scheme of graft? If VWdog has knowledge of this graft, it is his duty as a good citizen to inform the district attorney. If he is making up over the top charges just so he can feel justified in his baseless anger, then he is pathetic. So which is it, VWdog is failing to do his duty or is he just pathetic? I will let others judge.

As VWdog knows VUSD used prefab classrooms for several reasons. (1) they can be moved to where they are most needed as student populations in the district change. (2)they are cheaper (3) they have more bells and whistles then traditional classrooms--independent heat and air, microphone systems, AV centers, etc. Teachers prefer these new modern prefabs over the 'brick and mortar' classrooms.

Most school districts in California for the last twenty years that have passed bonds only use these prefab classrooms for just those reasons. VUSD is doing NOTHING different than virtually every other district in the state.

As to building costs going up, yes after vwdog and his angry friends three times "defeated" our earlier school bonds by getting slightly over one third of the vote, costs for new schools did increase. When the money for Prop O came in from 2002 through 2007, we were in the middle of the most expensive construction cost cycle in history here in the North County.

Had VWdog and his small group of angry friends, voted in favor of Prop LL in 1999, that school bond would have passed. It lost by the narrowest of margins in the absentee balloting counted after Election Day. It actually won among the voters who voted on Election Day. In fact it had a two thirds majority or better in every one of our eight VUSD precincts on Election Day. Very few of VWdog's angry friends voting in favor of this school bond, Prop LL. Had it passed, we would have had our desperately needed school bond three years earlier when costs of construction were far less. Think how much could have been saved in building costs for those schools had they been built in 1999! Then there was Prop L a couple of years before Prop LL. It was defeated by this same tiny group of angry, disgruntled folks. They again got slightly more than one third of the votes. Before that in the late 80's the angry ones knocked off Prop K for Kids.

Each time our angry friends managed to defeat these bonds, the VAST majority of VUSD voters were in favor of passing them. Sadly California state law required two thirds in favor, majority does NOT always win in California school bond elections. Each "defeat" meant the cost of building our desperately needed VUSD schools got ever more expensive.

Of course the greatest waste of money was the delay in the start of construction of the third high school caused when Jim Gibson and Dr. Stephen Guffanti refused to support the purchase of the last cheap (zoned agricultural), level, fully graded, vacant, and qualified 50 plus acre tract of land in the district. No matter how many times the thrifty three majority trustees came to them and asked the wasteful duo to vote to save taxpayer money, Gibson and Guffanti refused. G and G would not allow the taxpayers the ability to purchase the land behind Strawberry Hill (State law required four of five school board members).

As a result a new site had to be found for the third high school, the decidedly more expensive, ungraded and very hilly site on Melrose was finally found. It had jurisdictional and boundary issues that the primary site did not have but G and G would not allow the primary site to be purchased.

The delays resulted in at least five more years of over crowded campuses at VHS and RBVHS. But worse for the taxpayers was the increase in cost. The third high school was projected to cost between 50 and 54 million dollars to construct in 2002. Today it is still not complete and will cost almost 100 million dollars. Nearly fifty millions dollars wasted by two trustees whose school age children attended private religious institutions and not public schools. With none of their five school age children in VUSD schools, Gibson and Guffanti had nothing at stake when they delayed the third high school and increased the costs.

VWdog has repeatedly written in support of the actions of Jim Gibson and Dr. Stephen Guffanti. He has frequently criticized what he calls wastes of taxpayer money. Yet he has NEVER criticized Jim Gibson and Dr. Stephen Guffanti for the delay in construction and increased cost of the third high school. Is VWdog really concerned about taxpayer money or does he have a different agenda? I think the answer is obvious.

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