Saturday, March 27, 2010

Our Republican Friends caused California Financial Mess

Below is another view point about the damages caused by local Sacramento Republicans Martin Garrick, Diane Harkey, Nathan Fletcher, Mark Wyland and their Republican friends in the California State Assembly and California State Senate.

I copied this post from the Letters to the Editor comment section of the North County Times on June 20, 2008.

I post it with no pleasure as I am a life long Republican. A fifth generation Republican.

One set of my ancestors (John and Amanda Hathaway Williams) ran the last station on the underground railroad in Ashtabula Ohio. John Brown was a guest in their home. They provided material support for John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry. And they helped establish the Republican Party in Ohio.

I am deeply sadden by the take over of MY PARTY by ill informed, angry and racist tea baggers, Limbaugh listeners and FOXnotNews viewers.

I am eagerly awaiting either Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck to lead the nuts out of MY PARTY. Until then I have to report the sad facts about folks calling themselves conservative or Republican, but acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts including the recent imitation of Kristallnacht with the breaking of windows in Democratic Field Offices across our country and racial slurs and crude verbal attacks on blacks, gays, and Jews elected to Congress.

It is a fact that our local elected Sacramento Republicans refused any solutions to our state funding crises besides MASSIVE cuts to education and health and welfare for the poor and disabled. They should be held responsible. It is not just me who thinks so. Below is another local person's views about what Republicans did in Sacramento. It is a view not allowed on AM CONman radio or FOXnotNEWS.

BlueBird June 20, 2009 8:32AM PST

Jim Jones’ letter is just more of that conservative Kool Aid. As usual, the Republicans do not want to take responsibility for the mess they have created. As I have repeatedly noted, Republicans have held the governorship for 20 of the last 26 years, with all the powers of administrative appointments and the veto that go with it. Additionally, for at least 30 years they have had enough votes to prevent the Democrats from getting the 2/3 vote necessary for passing fiscal reforms to save our state, and have obstructed the Democrats legislatively and administratively.

Case in point: the Democrats are trying to pass a simple reform that would generate billions in revenue. Californian is the ONLY one of 22 oil-producing states that does not have ANY tax on drilling! Democrats have proposed a tax rate that, if adopted, would be the LOWEST tax rate of any oil-producing state. Of course, Republican obstructionists are standing in the way, dancing to the strings being pulled by their Big Oil puppeteers.

In contrast, the Republican governor of Alaska (hmmm, trying to think of the name....), last year raised her state’s oil tax. And to top it off, these freeloaders want MORE drilling when they won’t even pay the freight on the free ride they are currently ripping us off for! Just more feeding at the public trough of corporate welfare and calling it “private enterprise.” Private enterprise, my tailfeathers!

And of course, the Jim Jones Kool Aid is eagerly swallowed by gullible letter-writer John Sable whose solution is NOT to stop the corporate welfare gravy train, but to expand it by privatizing just about everything! Sorry, but the middlemen profiteering off public health and safety is the problem not the solution. In the meantime, I don’t see Sable going for the obvious solution, to stop the free handouts to the Big Oil Bullies.

So please, I do not want to hear any scolding from REPUBLICAN oil whores who not only refuse one of the most basic, universal sources of taxation, but want to further rape our offshore coastal areas while the Big Oil Bullies return NOTHING of value to our state except more gouging.

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