Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What I don't like about Jim Gibson

The blogger who write comments in the North County Times known as JustTheFacts seems to be the one blogger on the pro Jim Gibson side that can have rational reasoned thoughts and posts. He is a rarity. In fact I would say he is so rare as to be a singularity.

I encourage all who do not read the comments in the North County Times online to go back and look up any article that mentions our good Vista Unified School District and read the comments that follow. Other than the blogger known as JustTheFacts, the rest of the supporters of Gibson and Guffanti seem to only post wild, mean, accusatory, and fact free posts that border on full out paranoid fantasy.

It would be a revelatory experience for most folks in VUSD who are just going about their ordinary business trying to make our district run as well as possible to read and understand the level of nastiness that is floating around is our district.

We have some very wild and very accusatory folks who are very angry about things that do not happen or have not happened. If these perceived thefts of VUSD taxpayer money by our good teacher' s union happened, I would be on their side. Or if our good union had the power to control the distrtict and used that power to turn our district into the worse one around for test scores and drop outs statistics as Gibson supporters accuse, I would be on their side. But the facts do not support ant of their wild charges.

I urge any non biased rational person to read any post by blogger named Roxy to get an idea of the problem. Here is a good place to start, be sure to scroll back a couple of pages to the beginning posts as the posts run backwards in time:

No other school district in the North County has detractors on line so wild, so many and so ready to be angry. An article about San Marcos Unified might generate two comments. An article about Oceanside Unified might generate ten. But one about Vusd generates dozens and dozens every single time. Why only in VUSD? I have found it does no good to wonder why but to only except that they are here. It is a fact that has to be accepted and cannot be denied. We play the hand we are dealt here in VUSD.

Below is my last post to JustTheFacts. I think you can infer the topics from the post.
At the end of my post below I tell why I do not like Jim Gibson:

The one million for fifty acres was a good but fair price due to the zoning and the fact that it was in 2002: before land prices escalated until 2008 or so. Now they have dropped again.

Now for some hearsay. I talked to someone who claimed that Jay Kawano was now sorry, he had not voluntarily sold the land in 2002 as today it is worth less than one million. Again that is purely hearsay. I am not a realtor so know nothing of its possible appraised worth or how to find out nor have I talked to Mr.Kawano personally.

I am glad you pointed out the "highest price" for the land language meaning that the one million dollars was not a "low ball" offer.

I do not know about compensation for farming but the owner is welcome to go to court if he feels that some part of the appraisal is unfair. I am guessing based on what I know of the fairness and impartiality of the legal system that the average gross crop receipts over the previous X number of years that Kawano received would have been added in and is included in the one million dollars.

The one million dollar figure came from this newspaper in an article written in 2002 or 2003. I have the article but am not feeling well enough to search my files at the moment. Perhaps later I can give you the URL of the article.

I understand that you are in Jim Gibson's camp. I have heard him speak. He seems like a nice person. But to me he seems to be, too much of an ideologue, and a bit too self promoting opportunist lacking the needed ability of self reflection. Those are the qualities I see him which puts me off. Not to mention he has no direct connections or ties to VUSD. As far as I know he knew no one personally who has suffered as a result of some of his poorer decision on the VUSD school board.

In my opinion these qualities led him to make an error in judgement regarding the purchase of land for the new high school that have cost VUSD tens of millions of dollars and years more of students in our two well over crowded high schools.

It is his record as a board member he must run on in 2010 if he chooses to run again. That record is also something I do not like.

I do appreciate the tone and tenor of your comments. You seem calm and rational and do not throw "bombs" into the conversation. Not all of the folks supporting Jim Gibson are as controlled. I wish you well. Perhaps if we met in person we would find a surprising amount of things in common.

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