Sunday, April 26, 2009

North County Times censuring blogs about Gibson

The North County Times editorial staff is again censoring blog posts of those they do not agree with. See the blog following the article:

Note that the entry of "Fooled No More" was blocked by the editors of NCTimes. It was the previous post on this blog, "Gibson HS delays cost VUSD 45 million dollars." There are a few typos but no insults, no profanity, all information linked to websites.

Gibson refuses to apologize for the 45 to 55 million dollar waste of taxpayer money. His supporters at first bragged about him stopping the building of the new third high school at the cheap level Kawano site. The same supporters now claim he was not responsible because after years of Gibson caused delays in building the third HS,the three rational members finally gave up on the Kawano site. They voted to look for a second site as Gibson's opposition made the Kawano impossible.

The second cheapest site according to the search team was the Melrose/Highway 76 site. Gibson initially finally consented to be a fourth vote to acquire a piece of property for a new high school at Melrose. Then he did all he could to delay and cost the increase of the high school.

His ally on the VUSD board, Stephen Guffanti, was a member of a small four person group including Jill Parvin that sued to stop construction at the Melrose site. (Guffanti "resigned" from the group a day or two before the lawsuit was filed)
Did Gibson use his influence with Guffanti to get him and his friends to drop the lawsuit? No.

Gibson had close political allies on the Oceanside City Council. Three of them a MAJORITY endorsed Jim Gibson in his run for Oceanside City Council--Jack Fellar, Rocky Chavez, Jerry Kern.

The Oceanside City Council changed the zoning of the Melrose/Highway 76 site from agricultural to residential which increased the value of the site by MILLIONS of dollars from approximately 7 million to 16 million.

Had Gibson used his influence with his "buddies" on the Oceanside City Council, their three votes MAJORITY would have prevented the rezoning. Did he use his influence, NO.

The question is why does the North County Times not investigate the financial connections among Gibson, the three Oceanside City Council members, and the Tustin housing developer who owned the land at Melrose and Highway 76?

Why does the North County Times editorial board condemn the appearance of campaign money laundering of thousands of dollars secretly moved through Stephen Guffanti's campaign account into Gibson during Gibson's 2006 school board race? Doesn't the gift of $5000 dollars from company that was suing to stop the third high school to a VUSD board member who WAS NOT RUNNING in that election.(Guffanti's term of office was not up for two years). Then an identical amount of money being given to Gibson's campaign from Guffanti's campaign.

Does this not have the appearance of a major scandal?

Why isn't the editorial staff at the North County Times writing outraged editorials about this apparent successful attempt to dupe the voters in VUSD?

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