Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ANTI Lie says VUSD teachers have Cadillac health benefits

One of the lies of our ANTI friends that they repeat incessantly is that our poorly paid VUSD teachers have a 'Cadillac' health plan. Jim Gibson has said this on many occasions. I have seen this quote in the NCTimes credited to Gibson in the past and have read the ANTIs comments on the NCTimes blog often repeating this falsehood.

Jimmy and the ANTIs use this lie to attempt to rally resentment against hard working school teachers. They usually fail except among the most poorly informed of their supporters.

In LA Unified retired teachers are given LIFETIME health benefits.

Do we get that? No. I am a retired teacher after a life time in the California public school classroom of which 15 years were spent teaching in VUSD, my ONLY health care comes through my spouse. When she retires, divorces me or God forbid passes on, I will have no health care. That is what happens to VUSD retirees. NO HEALTH CARE.

Wow, that is really a Cadillac health plan, Jimmy! Gee Jim, will you have health care when you retire? Will you have at least Medicare or Medical?

I do not even have that option. California school teachers of a certain age were not allowed to pay into the system, so are not eligible for coverage.

I am so looking forward to bankrupting my family when I get sick. VUSD teachers of a certain age are left with only one other option when they get sick after they retire and Jimmy your church says I will go to Hell if I exercise that one. Thanks a lot Jimmy for the "Cadillac" health plan.

Here is the article about LA Unified teachers:

L.A. Unified and teachers union agree on health benefits
12:02 PM, February 11, 2009

The L.A. Unified teachers union has reached a tentative agreement with the district over their top priority, health benefits, after months of negotiations.

United Teachers Los Angeles officials announced Tuesday that they would hold a strike authorization vote because they were frustrated over the pace of negotiations, and it is unclear if the agreement would halt any momentum for a work stoppage.

The 48,000-member union and district are still negotiating over pay increases and standardized testing.

Seven other unions also agreed to the health benefit package.

Currently, district employees are eligible for lifetime benefits if they have worked a certain number of years for the district.

Union and L.A. Unified officials will hold a news conference at 1:30 p.m. today to announce details of the agreement.
-- Jason Song

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