Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Eileen Fernandez letter to NCTimes, January 2009

Below is the letter that Eileen Fernandez had published in the NCTimes today, January 7, 2009. It is a thank you to her supporters and a list of excuses for why she and her ANTI-public education candidates were so soundly defeated in November. She blames severe medical challenges, extreme adversity, and lack of funds.

We should be grateful she did not write any anti- teacher or anti-union screeds a la Dr. Guffanti or lies about personal attacks on her pets and daughter a la Patti Anderson. By the way when will Patti Anderson finally decide what name she will use in her NCTimes letters to the editor? Will she be Patricia Johnson? Pat Johnson? Patty A. Johnson or will she decide to publish letters under the name she uses to run for political office--Patty Anderson? It must be tough to keep track of everything with so many aliases.

I fear that Eileen's letter today means that VUSD unified is not done with Eileen? Sounds to me like she wants to run again in two years. We know that the ANTI public education crowd will run two candidates. One will obviously be Jim Gibson--that boy just cannot get enough of his name on ballots. How many public offices has he unsuccessfully run for now? Four? Five?

I am guessing that Eileen wants to be the number two person on the ANTI ticket in 2010. I wonder if Guffanti will let that happen? His weird brand of crazy windmill tilting might force him to run again. With an ego like his, not running might not be an option.

I also wonder if Gibson wants a Guffanti albatross around his neck. Guffanti has published so much and has so many delightful quotes to use against him that old Jim, the money man and the "brains" behind the ANTI attacks on our VUSD schools, might not want Guffanti on his ticket. But would he want Eileen? She was a really poor campaigner and candidate.

What will Jimmy Gibson do for a partner in the crime in 2010?

Here is the URL of Eileen's letter:

And here is the full letter:

Thanks to all who helped with campaign

To everyone who worked on my campaign when I ran as a Vista school board candidate in 2008, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's such a great feeling to know that even when people were having difficulties, including severe medical challenges in some cases, they still rose up in determination for a cause they believed was worthy.

I am very humbled by volunteers who went out of their way to contribute time and other valuable resources. Much deserved credit goes to Dr. Stephen Guffanti and Patty Anderson, my co-candidates, for not giving up in the face of adversity that at times was extreme in their own lives ��“��“ or when funds were limited, or when volunteers were scarce because their personal challenges became too daunting.

I am very proud of those of you who kept forging ahead with us; each of you deserves recognition for outstanding ethics, fortitude, diligence and patience. I am sincerely and forever grateful. Also, I would like to offer my appreciation to all who cast their vote for me.

Eileen Fernandez

candidate, 2008 Vista school board

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